What is JavaScript?

What is JavaScript?

Today, we’re going to get technical and talk about JavaScript. We’ve been working on a lot of jobs lately, where we have clients (who aren’t in the industry) asking us to explain JavaScript to them. So, we thought we’d do it here!

JavaScript is a scripting language used to create dynamic websites, which appeared on the Internet scene in 1994. Developed by Netscape Communications Corporation, JavaScript is also used in applications other than web pages, such as PDF documents, browsers and widgets used on desktops. While JavaScript initially looks confusing, it’s quite easy to learn and is used by a multitude of websites in order to add functionality and a variety of other purposes.

Many people think JavaScript is part of the Java platform. It isn’t. JavaScript is used inside HTML documents, and makes websites more interactive than they would be had HTML been used on its own. Where Java is an Object Oriented Programming Language, JavaScript is a scripting language. Java applications run in a virtual machine or a browser and JavaScript code runs only on a browser and is also in text format. Both Java and JavaScript run in different plug-ins. Having similar names makes things confusing.

Here are a few of the many benefits to using JavaScript for your website’s programming

Visually Appealing

Using JavaScript for your website will help to better the caliber of your website visually. Without using JavaScript, (and only using HTML), will make for a website composed of just text, rather than one that includes imagery and graphics. Not so inviting.


JavaScript is a great way to validate input forms, client side. If a client forgets to fill in a portion of a form, then using JavaScript validation will allow a pop up message to come up so the user is aware. This validation does not permit the user to submit the form without filling it out completely. Other programming languages permit users to do a similar thing, but only JavaScript denies users the possibility of submitting the form without completely filling it out.


Scripted slideshows and rollover images can be programmed using JavaScript. After the server sends a message, a users screen can be altered using this dynamic programming language.


Since JavaScript is client-side, it’s really fast because the code functions are run immediately instead of needing to go through the server for an answer.


Where PHP, for example, doesn’t work well with other programming languages, JavaScript works well with others, irrelevant of the file extension.

The benefits of using JavaScript are endless… this is only the tip of the iceberg.